Story Elements: The 7 Main Elements of a Story and Why They Matter

Story Elements The 7 Main Story Elements and Why They Matter

If you are a new writer, you probably need much advice to start in the right direction. You probably know a lot about the story and how it is written. But one important question over here is: do you know how many elements of a story are there? What are the elements of a story?

The heading already made it clear that there are 7 elements of a story, but what are they? If you were previously unaware of them, this blog will educate you about these 7 elements and why they matter. Learning about the different parts of a story will help you become a professional writer. Being familiar with these elements is necessary for creating a well-written story that keeps the readers engaged right from the beginning till the end.

Why Are The Key Elements Of A Story So Important?

Ever wondered what are the key elements that you can use to build a story around and why experts discuss them frequently? Imagine you are making a story. It would help if you created a foundation and then a story that starts from a beginning, proceeds to the middle, and then finally concludes with an ending. You probably already have a brilliant idea in mind. However, it would be best if you still had a solid foundation. Without a strong foundation, even the most beautiful story will not stand tall.

To build this very strong foundation with a beautiful story, experts recommend that it contain the seven key elements of a story. Including all these elements in your story will ensure that your writing is liked and admired by the readers.

What Are The Elements Of A Story

The seven elements of a story are mentioned below:

  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Conflict
  • Point of view
  • Tone
  • Setting
  • Characters

Some readers often need clarification when these elements are mentioned separately from the literary elements. They frequently ask what are the 7 literary elements. The seven elements discussed above may also be referred to as the 7 literary elements.

Now, this blog will discuss the seven elements in detail.

1. Plot

There is no story without a plot, as it is one of the most important elements of a story. The plot is the process where a series of events are unleashed to reveal a story. The plot is exposed step by step, and the process is usually not an abrupt one but one that spans over the entire story. It is present at all the stages of a story, starting from the beginning to the middle and then eventually to the end.

It is important to differentiate between plot and another element of the story known as conflict. The conflict is another element of the story which will be explained in the blog, but for now, it is important to offer some details. Plot refers to the series of events that happen in a story. Conflict, on the other hand, refers to the obstacles and impediment that obstructs the path of the different characters from reaching their goals.

Despite the differences, the plot and conflict are two parts of a story that are interlinked.

2. Theme

As just explained above, plot is the series of events that happen in a story. If you want to focus on the reasons why those events occur, then it would be referred to as the theme. This is why you need to create a proper theme before you start writing the plot. So, before starting to write the story, decide the message you want to convey to the readers and what lesson it offers.

It would help if you did not give in to the urge to reveal the theme. Rather, you must write your story in a way that explores the theme and leaves a strong impression on the readers with a solid point. Your readers are smart enough to determine the theme.

3. Conflict

Conflict is yet another important element that helps the story’s plot move forward. You can say that it drives the plot forward. The conflict is commonly found in each story. It serves as an obstacle and prevents the story’s characters from achieving the goals they are pursuing. This adds to the suspense, making the readers more interested in the story.  

Apart from the external conflict, there is always an internal conflict that the characters face. One of the story elements that make the conflict interesting is the inner struggle that the character faces. It usually focuses on what is right and wrong. It can be referred to as an internal conflict which the characters face as the story prevails. The characters must overcome their internal struggle apart from the external conflicts that they face.

In popular narrative, a story will always contain many smaller conflicts. There will also be a large or major conflict that focuses on the entire story. This may be an internal or external conflict that affects the characters.

Conflict is the driving force that helps make a story interesting to the reader. This is not to suggest that the other elements are not essential, but when it comes to engaging the readers, conflict and plot are two important elements of a story that play a very crucial role.

4. Point of view

Every story is narrated in a point of view (POV) form. Each story will either be told from a narrator’s perspective, or a character may fill this role. When it comes to the POV, there are basically four main points of view. All these points of view are commonly found in creative writing. Two of these points of view are very important and commonly used as story elements

One point of view refers to the first person telling the story. In this case, the story is narrated from a character’s perspective. To explain further, only first-person pronouns are used, such as me, my, mine, I, we and ours.

The third person is another point of view in which the story is narrated through the perspective of one character. In this form, third-person pronouns are used, such as he, him, her, his, hers, their, theirs.

A collective name for both the above-mentioned points of view is deep POV, and these always stand out as essential parts of a story.

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5. Tone

Of all the story elements, writers find the tone to be the most complicated one. Tone refers to the overall feeling that the story conveys to the readers. A mystery story will create suspense and seem exciting, while a romantic story will create feelings of optimism.

The tone is very complicated but still integral to the success of the story. The tone must be maintained to fit the genre of your story. The tone needs to be built through different aspects, such as the sentence length, word choice and variation in the sentences being used.

There could be other aspects of a setting that influence the tone. An example is the weather described in the story.

6. Setting

Be it any story, it must take place at a particular place or place. The setting of a story refers to the place where the story takes place. It means the physical location where the characters interact and the time in which the story occurs. It is important to note here that a story may either have only one setting or more than one.

The setting of the story also involves a period. The story may utilize one time period or multiple ones. For example, the period may be a year, decade or even an era. Other examples of periods are modern times or the near future.  Time is very important and must always be identified since it is an important part of the setting.

7. Characters

A story cannot exist without characters. For a story to be conveyed, characters are necessary. The main character of your story would be the protagonist. There would also be other primary characters in the story. The characters interact among themselves and also with the story’s plot. The interaction also creates a conflict that makes the story more interesting.

Stories may be short or long. Similarly, there may be one or more characters in a single story. However, most commonly, a story contains numerous characters. If the character is one of your major players in the story, then it needs to be well-developed and explained in detail. There may be one or more protagonists in the story. The story also has an antagonist who acts against the other characters in the play and prevents them from achieving their goals. This leads to the buildup of a conflict.

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Final Word

So, now you are fully aware of what are the parts of a story. The narrative elements you use in the story go a long way in determining the success or failure of your writing. Remember to incorporate the seven elements of a story in your writing. Doing so will help you elevate your writing beyond the ordinary. This will help you tread on the path of extraordinary success. You can try this for yourself by incorporating the different parts of a story in your writing.